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Gourmet Recipes

Gourmet Cooking

People constantly ask me what's the best source of easy gourmet recipes?
Finding new recipes should not be a tiresome task. Easy gourmet recipes are the lifeblood of making great cooking easy and fast. I always recommend having multiple sources of recipes to really get a good understanding of how to vary a dish.

Entertaining With Gourmet Recipes

Here are my three favorite sources of new easy gourmet recipes:
1. Gourmet Websites - Two of my favorites are The Reluctant Gourmet and Easy Gourmet Recipes
2. Cooking Magazines - There are many good ones I recommend Food and Wine, Bon Appétit and Gourmet Magazines.
3. Cooking and Gormet TV Shows - Some of my favorites Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Meals and Robin Miller's Quick Fix Meals

Good websites are a great source of gourmet recipes and related tips, links and material to make the process easier. Magazines are a convenient source that you can take anywhere and view at a moments notice. TV shows are a great way to visually see the recipe being made and see how a cook will vary the recipe. Integrating all these sources into your search coupled with your favorite cookbook will greatly accelerate your learning.
Keep a constant watch for new recipes that you find interesting in multiple sources. This will be a great help in your development as a cook. This habit will help you pick up tips and ideas that will really help you in the kitchen. Finding just one easy gourmet recipe a week will really broaden your knowledge and accelerate your capability and enjoyment in the kitchen. Your family will be amazed at your new found confidence in the kitchen. Being more confident in the kitchen will make the experience more fun for you.


Related categories:
Famous Chef Recipes
Famous Restaurant Recipes
BBQ Recipes
Appetizer Recipes


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